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Independent career

Izzati, F. N.*; Choksi, H.*; Giuliana, P.; Abd-Rabbo, D.; Elsaesser, H.; Blundell, A.; Affe, V.; Kannen, V.; Jame-Chenarboo, Z.; Schmidt, E.; Kuypers, M.; Avila, D. B.; Chiu, E. S. Y.; Badmaev, D.; Cui, H.; Matthews, J.; Mallevaey, T.; Macauley, M. S.; Brooks, D. G.; Edgar, L. J. (2024) A Unified Atlas of T cell Glycophysiology. bioRxiv (submitted to journal) 2024.08.24.609521.  (uploaded as a preprint Aug. 25th 2024) *Denotes equal contribution

Bodenstein, D. F., Powlowski, P., Zachos, K. A., El Sabbagh, D. E. S., Jeong, H., Attisano, L., Edgar, L. J., Wallace, D. C., Andreazza, A. C. (2023) Optimization of differential filtration based mitochondrial isolation for mitochondrial transplant to cerebral organoids. Stem Cell Res. Ther. 14, Article 202.

Edgar, L. J. (2021) Engineering the Sialome. ACS Chemical Biology. 16, 1829–1840. (Published Sept. 30th 2021)
Highlighted: Huang, M. L., Kiessling, L. L. (2021) Special issue on chemical glycobiology. ACS Chem. Biol. 16, 1793–1794.

Postdoctoral career

Edgar, L. J., Thompson, A. J., Vartabedian, V. F., Kikuchi, C., McBride, R., Woehl, J. L., Teijaro, J. R., Paulson, J. C. (2021) Sialic acid ligands of CD28 block co-stimulation of T cells. ACS Central Science. 7(9), 1508–1515. (Published Aug. 23rd 2021)


Woehl, J. L.*, Kitamura, S.*, Dillon, N., Han, Z., Edgar, L. J., Nizet, V., Wolan, D. W. (2020) An irreversible inhibitor to probe the role of Sreptococcus pyogenes cysteine protease SpeB in evasion of host complement defenses. ACS Chemical Biology. 15(8), 2060–2069. (Published July 14th 2020) *Denotes equal contribution.


Edgar, L. J., Kawasaki, N., Nycholat, C. M., Paulson, J. C. (2019) Targeted Delivery of Antigen to Activated CD169+ Macrophages Induces Bias for Expansion of CD8+ T cells. Cell Chemical Biology. 26, 131–136. (Published Nov. 1st 2018) Highlighted: Featured & a most read article (Nov. 2018)

Graduate career

Bassan, J., Willis, L. M., Vellanki, R. N., Nguyen, A., Edgar, L. J., Wouters, B. G., Nitz, M. (2019) TePhe: a phenylalanine analogue for monitoring protein synthesis with mass cytometry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 116(17), 8155–8160. (Published April 10th 2019)


Edgar, L. J., Vellanki, R. N., McKee, T. D., Hedley, D., Wouters, B. G., Nitz, M. (2016) Isotopologous Organotellurium Probes Reveal Dynamic Hypoxia In Vivo with Cellular Resolution. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 55, 13159–13163. (Published Sept. 22nd 2016)


Stewart, A. F., Williams, A. L., Lofgreen, J. E., Edgar, L. J., Hoch, L. B., Dicks, A. P. (2015) Chemistry Writing Instruction and Training: Implementing a Comprehensive Approach to Improving Student Communication Skills. Journal of Chemical Education. 93(1), 86–92. (Published Nov. 16th 2015)


Park, H., Edgar, L. J., Lumba, M. A., Willis L. W., Nitz, M. (2015) Organotellurium Scaffolds for Mass Cytometry Reagent Development. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry. 13, 7027–7033. (Published June 4th 2015) Highlighted: “2015 Hot Article” Royal Society of Chemistry.


Edgar, L. J., Vellanki, R. N., Halupa, A., Hedley, D., Wouters, B. G., Nitz, M. (2014) Identification of Hypoxic Cells Using an Organotellurium Tag Compatible with Mass Cytometry. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 53, 11473–11477. (Published Sept. 3rd 2014) Highlighted: Sensors and probes: A mass cytometry activity-based probe, Nature Methods, 2014, 11, 1092.


Edgar, L. J. G., Koroluk, K. J., Golmakani, M., Dicks, A. P. (2014) Green Chemistry Decision-Making in an Upper-Level Undergraduate Organic Laboratory. Journal of Chemical Education. 91, 1040–1043. (Published April 18th 2014) Featured on the front cover of The Journal of Chemical Education


Edgar, L. J. G., Dasgupta, S., and Nitz, M. (2012) Protecting-Group-Free Synthesis of Glycosyl 1-Phosphates. Organic Letters. 14 (16), 4226–4229. (Published July 30th 2012)

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